After two years of virtualized conferences, the ICCC was back in person once again. The ICCC 2022 was held from November 15-17 in Toledo, Spain. It was a welcoming feeling to meet face-to-face with our customers, certification bodies, and peers alike. We reconnected with familiar faces and made new friends.
The biggest highlights of the ICCC 2022 included the publication of the new Common Criteria version (CC:2022 Release 1) and its companion CEM:2022 along with their transition policy on the Common Criteria Portal. There were also many presentations with focus on the European Common Criteria (EUCC) scheme. Another highlight was NIAP’s statement on the NSA’s Commercial National Security Algorithm (CNSA) Suite 2.0.
In addition to hosting a booth, we had representatives from many of our branch offices including Germany, Italy, Sweden, and United States in attendance. A handful of our colleagues participated in the Common Criteria Users Forum (CCUF) Workshop held a week prior to ICCC and gave well-received presentations on various interesting topics at the conference.
- When the CCMB is Knocking on your Door – Michael Vogel
- Confidential Security Evaluation Environment – Cheng Jiang & Luis Barringa (Erricson)
- Mobile Device Evaluation? Which PP? – Rasma Mozuraite Araby
Our colleague Yi Mao moderated an expert panel discussion Evaluation of the Cryptographic Standards Ecosystem, which addresses the demands and challenges of the current cryptographic standards and their connections to Common Criteria Evaluations. Yi Mao was also a panelist in the Labs AMA (Ask Me Anything) session.
Moreover, our atsec colleagues moderated several presentation sessions:
- Updates from Schemes and ITCs – Yi Mao
- Cybersecurity Certification Schemes Landscape – Michael Vogel
- CC in New Domains – Michael Vogel

The ICCC 2022 started and ended with great synergy. We very much look forward to the next ICCC on October 31 – November 2 in Washington D.C., USA.