Services for…
IT Evaluation & Assessment
Standards-based assessment of commercial off the shelf (COTS) hardware and software products, as well as organizational security, are some of atsec’s core strengths.
Common Criteria Evaluation
The Common Criteria (CC), also known as ISO 15408, is an internationally recognized standard used to specify and assess the security of IT products. As one of the few authorized and licensed Common Criteria laboratories, atsec offers a full range of services to meet your needs in planning and pursuing a Common Criteria evaluation.
Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP)
The Information Security Automation Program (ISAP) is a U.S. government initiative to enable automation and standardization of technical security operations. atsec US offers SCAP training, assessment, and testing services through its accredited Cryptographic Security Testing (CST) laboratory (NVLAP Lab Code #200658-0).
Open Trusted Technology Provider Standard
The Open Trusted Technology Provider Standard (O-TTPS) is a collaborative initiative managed by The Open Group that seeks to prevent tainting and counterfeiting in the global supply chain for COTS information and communication technology. atsec has participated in the development of the O-TTPS since its inception, and offers training and assessment services.
Medical Devices IEEE 2621
The IEEE Medical Device Cybersecurity Certification Program has been developed by the IEEE 2621 Conformity Assessment Committee (CAC) to provide certification for multiple types of wireless diabetes devices. atsec is an IEEE authorized laboratory and can provide device evaluation for the Basic-Enhanced and Moderate Assurance Packages.
Security Evaluation Standard for IoT Platforms (SESIP)
SESIP is a specialized security framework designed to evaluate and certify the security of IoT platforms, providing a standardized method for assessing the security features of IoT devices.
Your Partner for Evaluation and Assessment
atsec information security brings more than 20 years of experience in security evaluations to the table, eager to help ensure your COTS hardware, software, and organizational security are ready for certification. Key IT Evaluation and Assessment services atsec provides include Common Criteria (ISO 15408) evaluation, Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) testing, Open Trusted Technology Provider Standard (O-TTPS) assessments, and IEEE 2621 certification for medical device cybersecurity.

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Happy International Women’s Day
atsec information security wishes all women a wonderful International Women’s Day.
FIPS ‘n’ Chips Crypto Module Bootcamp
atsec and UT Austin are excited to host the second Crypto Module Bootcamp, free for all participants!
Exciting News: The Publication of ISO/IEC 19790:2025 and ISO/IEC 24759:2025
The cryptographic module validation community has been eagerly anticipating this moment!