As many of our customers will be aware, the current U.S. government shutdown can affect their projects with atsec.
This time, the partial shutdown includes the U.S. Department of Commerce, and hence NIST’s Computer Security Resource Center. This affects our customers with FIPS 140-2 conformance validations (CMVP), and cryptographic algorithm validations CAVP/ACVP).
The U.S. Common Criteria scheme, operated by NIAP, seems so far to be unaffected.
Of course, the Common Criteria projects with validation by the German, Swedish, and Italian schemes are not directly affected.
atsec continues to work on all of our projects, but notes that where there is a project dependency on NIST’s CMVP or CAVP, then this could affect the project’s progression. This would include any Common Criteria projects with dependencies on new CAVS certificates.
If you have concerns, please contact your atsec project manager.