It is a different kind of blog entry, not about technical expertise or atsec’s latest achievement.
It is a 32-minute clip ending with atsec as a sponsor and detailing
Clarice Assad’s Residence Workshop with Austin Classical Guitar Society (ACGS):
I had the opportunity to meet with Matthew Hinsley, Executive Director, and Joe Williams, Artistic Director of ACGS, when they proposed to support the residence of Clarice with the Austin Classical Guitar Youth Orchestra (ACGYO). For atsec, it was essential that funding would support education.
My son was involved with ACGS since an early age. I met teachers, students, and musicians of all ages and genders. I have always been fascinated with the passion, focus, and amount of time spent on the instrument. Several of these young students will undertake a STEM career in Engineering, Computer Science, and Medicine and be brilliant, thanks to their focus over the years of learning the instrument.
Several colleagues within atsec play instruments or are involved with some form of artistic activity, reminding me that our profession, too, requires focus and creativity to get tests working and write a detailed report.
Clarice Assad is phenomenal, and the young guitarists are creating, with her help, an authentic piece of art. The final result is outstanding and original. Enjoy it. For once, it is not all about atsec, though atsec contributed to making it possible!