The Information Security Provider
atsec IT Security Blog
News about Common Criteria, FIPS, Conferences
and other topics revolving around IT security.
For a non-paginated list of all of our blog posts, head over to our Blog Archive page.
BSI NESAS CCS-GI Scheme Updates
The German Federal Office for Information Security approved the use of new Security Assurance Specifications for BSI 5G NESAS.
EUCC and Cybersecurity Certification in Europe
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity hosted a Cybersecurity Certification Conference – here are the key takeaways.
atsec Adds FIDO Evaluation Qualification
atsec information security has been qualified by the FIDO Alliance as one of the FIDO Accredited Security Laboratories to evaluate the authenticator products.
atsec AB first IEEE 2621 Accredited Medical Device Testing Facility
atsec Sweden has been approved as an IEEE Authorized Testing Facility – we can now test medical devices according to the IEEE 2621 standard!
BREAKING NEWS: c@tsec information security Unveils Revolutionary Quantum Computer
We’ve got a fresh new name and a fresh new direction!
XDRGB – Random Bit Generator using any XOF
A new deterministic random bit generator has been published: the XDRBG.
Crypto Module Bootcamp 2024
atsec information security hosted a free day-long hybrid event on the Concordia University campus in Austin, TX.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day to our customers, our partners, colleagues and communities around the world that we work with.