The Information Security Provider
atsec IT Security Blog
News about Common Criteria, FIPS, Conferences
and other topics revolving around IT security.
For a non-paginated list of all of our blog posts, head over to our Blog Archive page.
Happy International Women’s Day
atsec information security wishes all women a wonderful International Women’s Day.
FIPS ‘n’ Chips Crypto Module Bootcamp
atsec and UT Austin are excited to host the second Crypto Module Bootcamp, free for all participants!
Exciting News: The Publication of ISO/IEC 19790:2025 and ISO/IEC 24759:2025
The cryptographic module validation community has been eagerly anticipating this moment!
atsec Becomes the First Accredited EUCC Conformity Assessment Body
atsec is the first accredited EUCC Conformity Assessment Body!
atsec Adds GSMA MDSCert Evaluations to its Service Offerings
atsec now offers MDSCert evaluations for mobile device vendors!
Happy Valentine’s Day
We wish a Happy Valentine’s Day to all our colleagues, customers, suppliers and all their families and loved ones.
atsec’s Common Criteria Services
Get the ball rolling on a Common Criteria evaluation with our helpful presentation.