It is 18 years since atsec was founded on January 11th, 2000.
Since then atsec has made a very significant contribution to information security. As one of the only truly independent labs atsec is still self-funded, owned by professionals in the security assurance business and a key player in the technologies and geographies in which we operate. We have hundreds of successful testing and evaluation projects, founded IT security conferences, contributed with a great many IT security consultancy projects, become one of the foremost PCI assessors in the China and Asia region, and had a lot of fun along the way.
Not many people know that the name “atsec” is related to the Italian word for basket, (“cesta”). This underlines that we have a great wealth of security-related expertise and diversity within atsec.

Thanks are due to all the atsec customers, schemes and programs, accreditors, atsec staff and alumni who have helped atsec reach this milestone birthday.