After years of video conferences, the Security Summit was finally back in person in Milan, Italy, from March 14 to 16, 2023. atsec couldn’t miss the opportunity to participate as gold sponsor in one of the most important cyber security events held in Italy and to meet our customers, partners, and people involved in the information security business face-to-face again.
The long-awaited return to a physical conference has attracted many visitors from all around the country to attend the presentation of the Clusit Report 2023, which describes the state-of-the-art of cybersecurity in Italy (and abroad).
Clusit, established in 2000 at the Department of Informatics of the University of Milan, is the largest and most authoritative Italian association in the field of IT security with more than 500 member organizations.
According to the scenario described by the Clusit Report, the year 2022 registered another record of cyber attacks, with an increase of 21% worldwide compared to the previous year. In Italy, the situation was even worse and the increase was 169%. These alarming numbers highlight the need to increase investments in information security in Italy and worldwide.

Alessandro Fazio from atsec Italy provided a presentation on the “Security certification of cryptographic products according to NIST’s FIPS 140-3 standard.” The presentation was much appreciated by the participants, who acknowledged the importance of having an approved set of cryptographic tools and an authority that can provide assurance of their effective and efficient implementation.