Oh boy!!! Yet another year has gone by and we are celebrating
International Women’s Day again. This year the theme is “Time is Now: Rural and urban activists transforming women’s lives”.
I must say that working in atsec has always been free of the worries about gender inequality that I’ve been reading such a lot about recently, and that I know some of my industry colleagues have experienced (and probably still do).
Here in atsec I feel nothing but respect and I am as empowered “as the next man“.
According to Wikipedia, 2018 marks a whole century since women were first allowed to vote in Germany and the UK; in Sweden the centenary is 2019; the US will celebrate in 2020; In Italy, 2045 and in China it will be 2047.
To those of my colleagues wondering about International Men’s day, I am happy to report that this is celebrated every year on November 19th. This year the men’s theme is “Positive male role models.”